August 18, 2024
Howdy Ags!
This letter is from Victor Hazlewood ’88, your East Tennessee A&M Club President. I wanted to discuss membership in the East Tennessee A&M Club and why it is important to become a dues paying member. When you join as a dues paying member of the East Tennessee A&M Club you are providing needed funds to help pay for any room reservations for Club events (like Muster and the Christmas Party), for speaker costs (travel/hotel) for Muster speakers, and for having funds to purchase things like t-shirts to sell back to the members, and miscellaneous costs for running the Club (like costs related to having this website). These items do cost and paying dues helps pay for these costs which individually can be small but add up over the year.
You can attend the Watch Parties, Muster, and Christmas Party without being a dues paying Club member, but what is lost is the pride in knowing that you are doing your part to help your Club organize and pay for all the events. For access to tickets and t-shirts bought by the club we ask for 2024 that you be a dues paying member, whether a former student or friend of the Club, to access these specific Club benefits. So please join us at our events, have a great time with your fellow Aggies, and consider being a dues paying Club member! We now have an online payment capability with PayPal to take payments for Club membership and other things! See below where you can use PayPal to pay your 2024 Club dues.
If you have any questions about membership, please contact the Club President at
Thank You and Gig ’em!
Victor Hazlewood ’88
East Tennessee A&M Club